Wild Garlic Pesto with Salted Lemons

For many years of my life, I have lived in a place with four very noticeable seasons. I know that spring has arrived as soon as I can smell the sweetness of Allium ursinum aka wild garlic, Bärlauch or Allium triquetrum aka three-cornered leek, Wunderlauch. Even when it is still crisp outside, the forests fill up momentarily with a vibrant green that looks like turbo- grass. But it is simply carpets of our lovely allium species.

When wild greens are foraged, or if you simply have a lot of basil, we have a great recipe for preserving that taste of spring as well as preserving all those nutrients the foraged foods have to offer.

Here we take our foraged greens and blend them up with roasted sunflower seeds. We found that roasting them slightly makes a deeper taste as well as a more oily consistency compared to a creamy / mousse-like texture, which was desired. But feel free to chose your own nut of choice and wether you like them roasted or not.

Fresh pesto loves to be paired with some kind of citrusy element to bring out those green flavors as well as preserve their bright taste in days to come. Here we use our salted preserved lemons from the previous recipe in this course and blend those up with our herbs and good quality olive oil.

If you are using some wild garlic, you wont need to be adding any extra garlic into the mix!

Feel free to use these measurements as a guide to your pesto making. If you have some new pesto making discoveries, do share!

170 g Wild edible herbs - here we have pure 3-cornered leek (Wunderlauch!)

150 g toasted sunflower seeds (or a mix of other seeds and nuts of your choice)

60 g salted lemons

8 g salt (or add more salted lemons!)

250 g olive oil

Blend until chunky-smooth. This is a vegan recipe, however you can also add parmesan if you like!

Fill into cleaned jars and pour olive oil on the top to keep preserved. Store in the fridge for 3 months or freeze if you've made a lot!

A quick meal of pesto and noodles! I love that color!

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