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SCOBYs - Cultured Fermentation Course
What is the Microbiome and Why Should You Care? (3:36)
Fermentation - What is it and why should you care (2:20)
What are SCOBYsß (0:28)
Aerobic Vs Anaerobic Fermentation (1:50)
Kombucha vs Water Kefir (0:43)
Water Kefir vs Milk Kefir
SCOBY Hotel (0:45)
Measuring alcohol in your fermented drinks (4:13)
Bitter tasting kombucha
Diversity is key
Introduction to Kombucha (0:35)
Health Benefits of Kombucha (3:43)
Tutorial - How to make Kombucha, and tips & tricks (20:12)
Primary & Secondary Fermentation (1:13)
Expert Secondary Fermentation Techniques
SCOBY Bath Time (0:51)
Koffee Kombucha Recipe
Herbal Kombucha
Linden Kombucha (1:10)
JUN - green tea & honey
Kombucha SCOBY FAQ
What do I do with my pets when I'm traveling?
What are those things floating around my SCOBY? Is that normal?
Stinky SCOBY - do I have to throw it away? Is it sick?
SCOBY dried up while away on holiday. Is it usable?
Strange dry-looking SCOBY on top? Is it fine?
New SCOBY baby or bad kombucha?
Is that mold on top or a new SCOBY?
Kombucha FAQ
Water Kefir
Introduction to Water Kefir (0:42)
Health Benefits of Water Kefir (1:05)
Tutorial - How to make Water Kefir (12:44)
Water Kefir FAQ
Water kefir going smaller - how to get them to multiply
Are my water kefir crystals dead?
Water Kefir Vs. Milk Kefir (1:26)
Unicorn Tears (of happiness) :) (0:42)
Milk Kefir
Introduction to Milk Kefir (0:38)
Health Benefits of Milk Kefir (1:38)
Tutorial - How to make and work with Milk Kefir (13:02)
Milk Kefir Grains Smells Weird
Milk Kefir FAQ
Making Coconut Milk Kefir (1:59)
Milk Kefir Cheeses (1:46)
Other Milk Kefir Recipes (4:30)
Whey & Original Whey Soda (0:47)
BONUS: Yogurt Cultures Preview (1:08)
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Water kefir going smaller - how to get them to multiply
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